In 2022 Ben McPherson from Torrens Connect asked if I’d like to work with him to create some mascots for Adelaide Trams based on the theme ‘Our Giants’ to help promote safety around trams.
I was *so* excited about this project. I’m such a big fan of public transport, see: O'Bahn bus tunnel opening day.
I set about creating these characters based off the colours and features of our city trams.
I set about creating these characters based off the colours and features of our city trams.

Chris Edser, who I often collaborate with, then came onboard and ⬆️ ELEVATED ⬆️ everything with his incredible tram patterns, adding thoughtful details and features to the overall tram design. Chris is king of loops and patterns and his work on these is just so brilliant.

We then took the designs out into the world! Ben orchestrated school workshops where kids could make their own Giants from plasticine. He produced keychains, and signs and posters and tote bags, and some insane education structure that taught the public about tram history + safety. It was so cool to see it all come together like this.

Below is some ideation for where these characters really got started.
I used the colours, seats, ticket machines, and hand rails from Adelaide trams as inspiration.
I used the colours, seats, ticket machines, and hand rails from Adelaide trams as inspiration.